Random observations
I recently had the unsettling experience of having four separate people tell me I look like Katie Couric. This is disturbing on several levels:
I am not cheerful.
I am not perky.
I have lips.
Katie Couric has zero sex appeal.
I don't like Katie Couric.
When I was younger I used to get "You look like Carly Simon."
Now Carly Simon back in the day had mondo lips and sex appeal. She was an artist. Married to James Taylor when he was uber-handsome and singing songs like, "Hey baby, I'm your Candyman." She used to pose provocatively in skimpy outfits for her album covers. Guys I knew used to drool over her. So I always kind of liked the comparison.
Have I somehow morphed from sexy lush-lipped singer/songwriter to annoying thin lipped tv puff-journalist? And if so, how did this happen?
Hey you know, Carly still looks pretty good. Her current husband bears more than a passing resemblance to James Taylor, though.

I am not cheerful.
I am not perky.
I have lips.
Katie Couric has zero sex appeal.
I don't like Katie Couric.
When I was younger I used to get "You look like Carly Simon."
Now Carly Simon back in the day had mondo lips and sex appeal. She was an artist. Married to James Taylor when he was uber-handsome and singing songs like, "Hey baby, I'm your Candyman." She used to pose provocatively in skimpy outfits for her album covers. Guys I knew used to drool over her. So I always kind of liked the comparison.
Have I somehow morphed from sexy lush-lipped singer/songwriter to annoying thin lipped tv puff-journalist? And if so, how did this happen?
Hey you know, Carly still looks pretty good. Her current husband bears more than a passing resemblance to James Taylor, though.

hmmm, you could tell them you are Katie's dark side?
Don't pay no mind, girl.
MoonMaid Carly Simon was Hot! Didn't she date Warren Beatty? And Katie Couric is not so bad-looking sure she is annoying but not ugly.
I think this all just played into my issues with aging. You know, one minute you're a hot babe, then boom, 20 years have passed and you're being compared to some annoying housewife type.
It could be worse - I could look like Star Jones or Kathy Lee Gifford.
But Katie is cute so I don't think it is an insult to be told you look like her...I'm sure you don't have her personality...which is the annoying part about her.
Did that make sense?
Yes, it did, bird.
But still, four separate people...it was kind of unnerving.
Hey moonmaid! I'm with you on Katie Couric, don't see the appeal at all. I'm also a long-time Carly Simon fan! Cheers!
I've been told I look like Edward Norton, and I don't see it one bit.
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